I have this basket, see. I'm not sure when or where I acquired it, but it has come to be a regular part of my daily routine. I pack it up each morning with my lunch and various reading materials for class. After work, it usually gets filled with needed items, books, notebooks, etc. and comes with me to class. Then, it gets carried home and emptied out, ready to do it all over again the next day.
Well, in the last few weeks, this basket has really started showing it's age. The handles started fraying and coming apart from the basket, the liner dingy. Just looking a little sad these days.
Sad. Really sad.
So, not wanting to just chuck my beloved basket, I decided to do a basket makeover. Of course I ended up making it more complicated than it needed to be, but everything worked out after some brainstorming with my momma, and some more troubleshooting.
May I present you with..... New and Improved Spring Basket!
Thank looks awesome Shauna. Nice work!
ReplyDeleteYAYYY!!! Wow Shauna, that turned out sooo cute!! You are a genius, and I am proud to have brainstormed with you!! Nice, Nice!!